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Visual Arts


Course Descriptions:

7th  Grade Art (semester class)-

This semester course is designed to introduce students to the elements and principles of design to increase student’s skills and experience with various media and techniques.  Whether the student has previously taken art classes or they have no experience at all, each student will be challenged at his/her own level to create various 3-D and 2-D artworks using various media.  As with all art classes, students will have the opportunity to exhibit their artwork in a school wide art show each semester.

8th  Grade Art (semester class)-

This semester course is designed to introduce students to the elements and principles of design to increase student’s skills and experience with various media and techniques.  Whether the student has previously taken art classes or they have no experience at all, each student will be challenged at his/her own level to create various 3-D and 2-D artworks using various media..  As with all art classes, students will have the opportunity to exhibit their artwork in a school wide art show each semester.

Honors 7th grade- (audition only - semester class)
If your student is artistically gifted, dedicated to learning about different art media, and is willing to be challenged in the visual arts, then Honors Art is the perfect class for him or her.  This year-long course is based on the Elements and Principles of Design and SC state standards.    All projects are based on higher order thinking skills as part of the differentiated curriculum for students who are gifted in art.  This program is offered to students who successfully audition for Honors Art in the 6th grade.  Students will be challenged through different media, techniques, and will keep a portfolio in class.  At the end of the year, all students will exhibit their artwork in an art show which they are required to attend.

Honors 8th grade- (audition only - semester class)

 This year-long course is designed to use the elements and principles of design at honors level and to prepare students for the high school visual art curriculum.  All projects are based on higher order thinking skills as part of the differentiated curriculum for students who are gifted in art.  This program is offered to students who successfully audition for Honors Art in the 7th grade or for the students that maintained a “B” average in 7th grade Honors Art and are recommended by their Honors art teacher.  Students will be challenged through different media, techniques, and will keep a portfolio in class which will be used for class notes, reflections on projects, and for drawing activities.  At the end of the year, all students will exhibit their artwork in an art show which they are required to attend.

2-D DESIGN (semester class)-        
2-D Design is a semester course designed for both 7th and 8th grade students and was implemented to allow students who possess an interest in art to take two art courses in one year.  2-D Design may be taken by itself or students enrolled in it may also take Art 7, Art 8, 3D Design or Honors Art (schedule permitting) simultaneously or within the same year.  The main emphasis of 2-D Design is to explore 2-Dimensional media, including but not limited to drawing, painting and printmaking as well as to strengthen drawing skills.  This course, like all other art courses is based on the Elements and Principles of Art as well as SC standards.  2-D Design can be taken in both the 7th and 8th grades without offering the same curriculum twice and will still challenge the individual needs of each student.   As with all art classes, students will have the opportunity to exhibit their artwork in a school wide art show each semester.

3-D DESIGN  (semester class)-       
3-D Design is a semester course designed for both 7th and 8th grade students and was implemented to allow students who possess an interest in art to take two art courses in one year.  3-D Design may be taken by itself or students enrolled in it may also take Art 7, Art 8 or Honors Art (schedule permitting) simultaneously or within the same year. The main emphasis of 3D Design is to strengthen the student’s awareness of different media techniques including but not limited to various forms of sculpture and three-dimensional drawing.  This course, like all other art courses is based on the Elements and Principles of Art as well as SC standards.  3-D Design can be taken in both the 7th and 8th grades without offering the same curriculum twice and will still challenge the individual needs of each student.  As with all art classes, students will have the opportunity to exhibit their artwork in a school wide art show each semester.